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Британская школа Лингвистического Лицея при Московском институте иностранных языков – экзаменационном центре Кембриджского университета в РФ Английский детский сад КембриДжуниор Олимпиада по английскому языку! Кембриджские экзамены. Учебник для студентов курсов английского языка
Linguistics Secondary School’s British School at Moscow Institute
of Foreign Languages (University): a Cambridge University Exams Centre in Russia

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Goals: Preparation for the international Cambridge examination International Legal English Certificate.

Course description
This course is for law students and practicing lawyers who are seeking employment in an international legal setting. To take this course you should have a good working knowledge of English, want to develop this knowledge for use in a legal environment.

Level needed:Upper-Intermediate – Advanced level.

Exam structure
International Legal English Certificate has 4 parts:
Reading: you will have to do some tasks of the following types: multiple-choice cloze, open cloze, gap-filling (words and sentences), multiple-matching, multiple-choice questions.
Writing: you will need to write a letter in a neutral/formal style in response to another letter (120-180 words) and a memorandum based on the information provided in the rubric (200-250 words).
Listening: you will have to fulfill some tasks of the following types: multiple-choice questions, gap-filling, multiple matching tasks.
Speaking: you will need to answer questions about yourself, prepare 1 minute talk with a partner, discuss a topic with a partner, discuss a topic with a partner and the interlocutor.

What you will have at the end of the course:know law terminology; use the language in practical situations; participate in meetings and discussions of a legal nature; express opinions clearly and be able to understand and to produce texts of various types, including letters and memoranda.

Advantages of taking ILEC: ILEC certificate is valid for life; ILEC is recognised around the world for business and study purposes; you will have a great advantage in the jobs market and much greater flexibility if you want to work abroad; ILEC is officially recognised by leading associations of lawyers (European Law Students’ Association, European Company Lawyers Association, European Young Bar association, International Association of Young Lawyers).

Course duration
1 academic year (2 semesters) – 200 academic hours of class work and the same number of hours of independent work.                                    

Completion documents:the University of Cambridge Certificate International Legal English Certificate; Certificate of advanced training.

Time-table:twice a week at 19.00. Each lesson lasts 3 academic hours.

пятница 26 апреля
Сегодня с Вами работают:
Мария Федоровна Чернышева
Мария Федоровна Чернышева
понед. - пятница
с 10.00 до 19.00

т. (499) 264-11-11
т. (499) 264-90-64
т. (499) 264-68-80
т. (495) 532-05-05
e-mail: maria@mosinyaz.ru
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слушателя курсов


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TKT (The Teaching Knowledge Test) Business English Certificate Курсы английского языка для школьников FCE (First Certificate in English) PET (Preliminary English Test) CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) ILEC (International Legal English Certificate)